July 23rd will be my 4th anniversary with Crate and Barrel, and it will also be my last day. There have been good memories and not so great, but I will only focus on the good. In 4 years, I have made good friends, acquaintances and co-workers. I built up fond memories with many of them and am sad that I may never get the chance to see some of them ever again. But here are just a few people I’d like to mention in no particular order:
Aaron Green- Thank you for being a friend even though you declared hating Asian people on my second day at work.
Miles- You are probably the only man I know that’s prettier than some girls I’ve met.
Dan- Ladies Man Dan, you somehow managed to fill out an incident report more than the entire store population COMBINED. I applaud you.
Leanne- best HBIC…ever
Mandy- You were the best boss I’ve ever had. And thank you for being my only facebook stalker.
Pete Lafferty- I didn’t work with you very long, but I’m constantly reminded of your presence when I find paint stains all over the store.
The Brady Sisters- please let me know if you ever find that “orgasmic bath mat”…I’d like to have one.
Chris Sartain- one of the most genuinely nice guys I’ve had the pleasure to work with.
Alethea- another genuinely great person. I’ll miss making fun of you and your laugh. Work was always better when you were around.
Stephanie- always high spirited. Your attitude is contagious and I loved working side by side with you during the holidays.
Marvin- Though you’ve said many inappropriate and uncomfortable comments, I like you by default because you’re Filipino like me…even though you’re actually Chinese.
Jimmy- I’m still waiting to get an autographed copy of your book, “How to get a Cougar”
Fridge Burglar- because of you, I feel the need to hide my cliff bars. (only a few of you will get this)
Jeff- I’ll miss playing volleyball with you...even though we never even got the chance to play together.
Jen C/M- you were always a good sport when you were getting ribbed by the stock guys. And thanks for being shorter than me.
Marcia- You redefine the word “urgent”
Nita- Ummm...I'm going to miss you.
Jack- when you’re not in the hospital, you’re a pretty funny guy.
Nicole- congratulations for being the last African American to survive the movie. And no matter who started it, you were the first person I heard say "shut the front door!"
Brad- Go get your money, boy!
There are so many of you that I would love to mention, but I know I’m going end up forgetting about one or two people. So I’m going to stop here. I want to thank EVERYONE for the memories and the good times that I will take with me as I move on from Crate. It was a good ride while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end at one point. I want to wish everyone luck in whatever they have planned for their future.
If I have any reservations about leaving Crate and Barrel at this point, it’s because I found out that I really like going to Planet Smoothie for lunch. There's nothing like drinking a nice cold smoothie on a hot day and sitting at the parking garage to get away from it all. Too bad I only started going there last month. Oh well.