Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 23rd will be my 4th anniversary with Crate and Barrel, and it will also be my last day. There have been good memories and not so great, but I will only focus on the good. In 4 years, I have made good friends, acquaintances and co-workers. I built up fond memories with many of them and am sad that I may never get the chance to see some of them ever again. But here are just a few people I’d like to mention in no particular order:

Aaron Green- Thank you for being a friend even though you declared hating Asian people on my second day at work.

Miles- You are probably the only man I know that’s prettier than some girls I’ve met.

Dan- Ladies Man Dan, you somehow managed to fill out an incident report more than the entire store population COMBINED. I applaud you.

Leanne- best HBIC…ever

Mandy- You were the best boss I’ve ever had. And thank you for being my only facebook stalker.

Pete Lafferty- I didn’t work with you very long, but I’m constantly reminded of your presence when I find paint stains all over the store.

The Brady Sisters- please let me know if you ever find that “orgasmic bath mat”…I’d like to have one.

Chris Sartain- one of the most genuinely nice guys I’ve had the pleasure to work with.

Alethea- another genuinely great person. I’ll miss making fun of you and your laugh. Work was always better when you were around.

Stephanie- always high spirited. Your attitude is contagious and I loved working side by side with you during the holidays.

Marvin- Though you’ve said many inappropriate and uncomfortable comments, I like you by default because you’re Filipino like me…even though you’re actually Chinese.

Jimmy- I’m still waiting to get an autographed copy of your book, “How to get a Cougar”

Fridge Burglar- because of you, I feel the need to hide my cliff bars. (only a few of you will get this)

Jeff- I’ll miss playing volleyball with you...even though we never even got the chance to play together.

Jen C/M- you were always a good sport when you were getting ribbed by the stock guys. And thanks for being shorter than me.

Marcia- You redefine the word “urgent”

Nita- Ummm...I'm going to miss you.

Jack- when you’re not in the hospital, you’re a pretty funny guy.

Nicole- congratulations for being the last African American to survive the movie. And no matter who started it, you were the first person I heard say "shut the front door!"

Brad- Go get your money, boy!

There are so many of you that I would love to mention, but I know I’m going end up forgetting about one or two people. So I’m going to stop here. I want to thank EVERYONE for the memories and the good times that I will take with me as I move on from Crate. It was a good ride while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end at one point. I want to wish everyone luck in whatever they have planned for their future.

If I have any reservations about leaving Crate and Barrel at this point, it’s because I found out that I really like going to Planet Smoothie for lunch. There's nothing like drinking a nice cold smoothie on a hot day and sitting at the parking garage to get away from it all. Too bad I only started going there last month. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, funny, and even more funny! Fredo you are the man. I chuckled as I read your blog. You are right I am the lone survivor but who knows how long that will last...I hear they are already casting the sequel. As you know I have been with the company since I was a mere child :) and things have changed but you are smart to do what works for you. You are right you do miss the people and some you will see again and some you will not. Some you will hold a strong memory and others will not. Some will be bitter and some will be sweet. Either way some will be a blessing and some will be a lesson. Thanks for being who you are in this world. Give my best to Lindy and Jack.
