Sunday, May 8, 2011

For Lindy from Jack...

In honor of Mother's Day, I would like to dedicate this blog post to my wife and mother of my child.

I am constantly amazed by the relationship of Lindy and Jack. An instantaneous bond was formed when she found out she was pregnant. There is nothing else like it in the world and a part of me is jealous of their love, but mostly grateful and humbled by what a child can do to a person's emotions. I know that there is nothing in the world that Lindy would trade motherhood for. She has taken on her first months as a mom with great patience, hard work, humility and courage.

Though Dads won't say it often, or ever, Mom's have the hardest jobs in the world. It's hard to imagine having a 24/7 job that is responsible for the upbringing of a human being. I do as much as I can and I know Jack loves me, but if he had to choose, I know Jack will be reaching out for mom.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

All about poop.

Since it's been about 3 months since my last blog post, you would think I would have quite a bit to say. Well, I'm am very happy to inform you that I don't. So you are spared.

So what do I write about when I have nothing to write about? Well, staying consistent with this blog, I will talk about what's new with fatherhood. I guess the biggest news I can share with you right now is that Jack's poop is now solid. It also smells...really bad. I remember preparing myself to change my very first diapers. I wanted to buy surgical cloves and a dust mask, at least anything that could lessen the smell of waste. Fortunately, I managed to scavenge plenty of these from the hospital before we left.

After several diapers, I realized that it's not so bad at all. The smell wasn't pleasant by any means, but more like an odor you smell when walking into somebody's house for the first time and not quite sure whether it's just the exotic food their cooking or it really smells like that 24/7. Confusion. So it was never bad enough for me to ever use the gloves or mask.

Ever since Jack was introduced to solid food, the bombings and gurgling sounds in the pants have subsided and has since been replaced with Jack's heavy grunting. The smell is no longer that funky smell that you're not quite sure what to make of, but to be blunt, smells like crap. Every parent that I've talked to tells me "wait until he starts eating meat." As bad as it is now changing fruity diapers, I don't even want to think about changing meaty ones.